
I love sharing knowledge, insights, and practical tools related to nervous system health. Check out my videos, an interview, and more resources below!

video library

videos on polyvagal theory and the safe and sound protocol

I was honored to join Dr. Theresa Newsom for our presentation on Trauma + Connection + Education + Polyvagal Theory for the Soul Spark Empowerment Series.

videos sharing information on beta groups for my book Body Wisdom and the Polyvagal Theory

videos on how to calm your body


We all need tools. We all use tools.

Some of our tools or "coping mechaisms” are unhealthy and lead to greater dysregulation. Unhealthy tools can include": sugar, busyness, social media, caffeine, alcohol, drugs, isolation, dissociation, shopping etc.

Nervous system and state regulation is the goal. The more regulated we are, the more JOY is available to us. When we are regulated, greater connection and social engagement is available to us. We have greater ease in our relationships. For example, when I am able to stay better regulated, I laugh at my husband’s puns more often, I don’t take things so personally, I am present when my son who has Autism is irritable, experiencing big emotions, or having a meltdown.

When we, as individuals, are regulated and our children or partners are experiencing dysregulation, we have a greater chance of keeping our higher brain online and can choose a response instead of an impulsive reaction. Sound nice? It is. And, it’s possible.

It’s not an instant switch. This takes practice. I teach my clients why this matters, how it works, and to share the tools that have helped me on journey. We all may have some tools that work better that others, but there are general foundations that help us ALL. Nature. Mindfulness Practices. Movement. Journaling. Prayer. Self Compassion. Friendship.

resources and tools you can use



This free app has guided meditations, Yoga Nidra, and stories to help you fall asleep or to guide you through a daily seated mediation (six minutes is all you need… promise).

Dan Siegal is a psychiatrist and has created this mindfulness practice (that has more science and less woo-woo).



Put your bare feet on the Earth

Nature is the great co regulator, directing your eyes, mind and senses toward nature for a few moments can help settle our bodies. A tree outside your window or a houseplant is nature too!


This Harvard study helps us understand the science behind the benefits of movement like walks, yoga, weightlifting, martial arts, wrestling with your kids, sooo many ideas. Better yet, grab a friend for a nature walk—two birds, one stone. Make it a weekly date—I have one!



Writing morning pages is a daily practice of “stream of consciousness writing.”

My husband and I do this together, and it has really strengthened our marriage. It’s a simple, yet powerful tool.



There are a million different ways to pray. For me, it is a long distance hug—a way to send love when I am not physically present with someone. If we are together, I just hug them. Hugs = Prayer, for me.


If you want to be nice to people, you must first be nice to yourself.

Kristen Neff can teach us how.